New Year, New You...?

New Year, New You...?

Posted by PreDia® on Jan 1st 2022

Have you ever been victimized by the slogan, “New Year, New You”? Always going hard on your goals at the start of the year but not hard enough to be able to keep up past the first or second month? You are not alone as about 80% of people fail their New Year resolutions before the end of February. And of course, on the top of everyone’s New Year resolutions is both exercising and eating healthier.

Working off the holiday meals and trying to get bikini ready before summer arrives are some of the main reasons everyone wants to add a healthy lifestyle to their priority for the new year. Maybe you are tired of being in the same rut day in and day out and want another year to try again. Or maybe you are trying to lower the number of medications you take daily or just come off them completely. Whatever reason you have for wanting to use the New Year to achieve your health goals, there are some tips for making them stick.

Tips for Making Resolutions Last

Ensure your goals are realistic. In general, when it comes to sticking with New Year resolutions, it is important to not be too unrealistic about your goals. Not saying that dropping fifty pounds and having a six pack by July isn’t realistic, but if you know yourself and want to stick to a healthy lifestyle, you may need to reconsider your end goal and prioritize your next steps. Maybe losing ten to twenty pounds by the summer might be more realistic than fifty and might be better for your health in the long run since it will be at a slower pace. Besides, losing twenty pounds will have far better health effects than not losing weight at all.

Have a plan and stay consistent. If your goal is to live a healthy lifestyle, try writing out your next steps. It is easy to say that you want to lose fifty pounds by the summer but actually having a plan and knowing how you are going to achieve this is usually the hard part. Take some time to write down your goals and then underneath, the steps you will take to achieve them. Maintain consistency as this will get you to your ultimate goals! Make sure to write down your accomplishments for each step as you progress through your resolutions.

Limit the number of goals. Having three good goals that you want to achieve for the New Year is better than having a list of twenty as this could propel your life forward than if you had a bigger list. This will allow you to focus on the most important aspects of your life that you want to change.

Ensure your resolutions are about you. Many times, the resolutions and goals that we set for ourselves are more so based on other people’s thoughts and perceptions. For instance, instead of trying to achieve a healthier weight because we want to lower our risk of developing certain conditions like diabetes and heart disease, we instead want to achieve this goal to look better for a significant other or because you want to be perceived differently by peers. Although these might be incentives, this should not be your main reason. Having resolutions that are not for us will cause you to fall off attaining your goals much earlier. Look deeper into yourself and set the goals that are going to benefit YOU in the long run.

New Year, New Sugar Goals

In regards to achieving your health goals, if you’re one of the 86 million people in the United States that has been diagnosed with prediabetes and want to make lowering your sugar (glucose) levels a priority for the new year, make sure to add PreDia® to your plans!

Along with proper nutrition and exercise, PreDia® can help you achieve excellent glucose levels and can aid in lowering your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Usually in people with prediabetes, glucose levels in the blood are higher than normal and the pancreas is not able to keep producing the amount of insulin needed to control the levels. However, the main ingredient in PreDia®, abscisic acid (ABA) which is found in grape seed extract, helps to lower blood glucose levels after a meal without the need for the pancreas to produce too much insulin.

Setting realistic goals, staying consistent with your plans, making sure you are achieving your resolutions for you and only you, will allow your goals to become a reality. Lastly, adding PreDia® to your diet and exercise plan with the combination of a mindset change and action plan, can help you become the healthiest version of yourself!

Remember, you do not have to wait for the next year or on a Monday to start your resolutions. Start when you feel that drive and motivation inside of you and then use that to fuel the consistency to progress through your goals!